103 Dazzling Names That Mean Delight

Delight is a feeling that is always welcome, a feeling of extreme pleasure and satisfaction, anyone would thankfully embrace.

A “delightful” person is a joy to be around, they exude positive energy, provide splendid companionship, and are usually the life of the party.

Choosing a name meaning “delight” would be such a splendid move on your part. You would be manifesting a life of extreme satisfaction and positivity for your little one. Wouldn’t that be nice?

So don’t miss out and feel free to scroll through this list of delightful names that mean “delight.”

Girl Names That Mean Delight

Names meaning “delight” offer a diverse range of beautiful baby girl names. Do check them out.

1. Abigail

Abigail is a name of Hebrew origin, meaning “my father’s joy.” A modern and trendy name.

2. Eden

Eden is a name of Hebrew origin, meaning “paradise,” or “place of pleasure.”

3. Noemi

Noemi is a name of French origin, meaning “good,” “pleasant,” “lovely,” and “wisdom.”

4. Edna

Edna is a name of Hebrew origin, meaning “delight,” or “rejuvenation.”

5. Bibi

Bibi is a name of French origin, meaning “delight,” “lady of the house,” or “life.”

6. Hephzibah

Hephzibah is a name of Hebrew origin, meaning “in her is my delight.” A gorgeous and regal-sounding name.

7. Tirzah

Tirzah is a name of Hebrew origin, meaning “delight,” or “pleasantness.” This one is very pretty.

8. Merewen

Merewen is a name of Anglo-Saxon origin, meaning “sublime delight.” An absolute delight of a name.

9. Delicia

Delicia is a name of Spanish origin, meaning “pleasure,” or “delight.”

10. Terpsichore

Terpsichore is a name of Greek origin, meaning “delight in dancing.”

11. Delise

Delise is a name of Latin origin, meaning “pleasure,” or “delight.”

12. Aida

Aida is a name of Arabic origin, meaning “delight.”

13. Alaia

Alaia is a name of Basque origin, meaning “delightful,” or “happy.” A beautiful name for your beautiful princess.

14. Alair

Alair is a name of Latin origin, meaning “delightful,” or “precious.”

15. Alanis

Alanis is a name of Hawaiian origin, meaning “precious,” or “delightful.”

16. Alisa

Alisa is a name of Hebrew origin, meaning “great happiness,” or “delight.”

17. Aliza

Aliza is a name of Hebrew origin, meaning “delight.” A name with such grace and elegance.

18. Allegra

Allegra is a name of Italian origin, meaning “delight”.

19. Arcadia

Arcadia is a name of Greek origin, meaning “pastoral simplicity,” or “happiness.”

20. Beah

Beach is a name of Latin origin, meaning “bringer of happiness.”

21. Beeja

Beeja is a name of Hindi origin, meaning “the beginning,” or “delight.”

22. Behati

Bahati is a name of African origin, meaning “blessed,” or “she who brings delight.”

23. Bliss

Bliss is a name of British origin, meaning “joy,” “cheer,” or “intense happiness.”

24. Blythe

Blythe is a name of English origin, meaning “cheerful,” “delight,” or “pleasant.” This one sure is adorable.

25. Bonnie

Bonnie is a name of Scottish origin, meaning “delightful,” or “beautiful.”

26. Caia

Caia is a name of Latin origin, meaning “to rejoice.” A cute and lively name.

27. Carol

Carol is a name of English origin, meaning “delightful song.”

28. Duscha

Duscha is a name of Russian origin, meaning “happy.”

29. Euroa

Euroa is a name of Aboriginal origin, meaning “delighted.”

30. Farrah

Farrah is a name of Arabic origin, meaning “delighted,” or “joy.”

31. Felicidad

Felicidad is a name of Spanish origin, meaning “delighted.”

32. Felicity

Felicity is a name of Latin origin, meaning “delighted.”

33. Frayda

Frayda is a name of Yiddish origin, meaning “delight.”

34. Geila

Geila is a name of Hebrew origin, meaning “delight.”

35. Gwyneth

Gwyneth is a name of Welsh origin, meaning “delighted.”

36. Halona

Halona is a name of Native American origin, meaning “of happy fortune.”

37. Hana

Hana is a name of Spanish origin, meaning “delighted,” or “flower.”

38. Hani

Hani is a name of Arabic origin, meaning “delight.”

39. Hillary

Hillary is a name of Latin origin, meaning “delight.”

40. Ilaria

Ilaria is a name of Latin origin, meaning “delight,” or “merry.”

41. Joie

Joie is a name of French origin, meaning “delight.”

42. Jovie

Jovie is a name of American origin, meaning “delightful.”

43. Joy

Joy is a name of Latin origin, meaning “delight.”

44. Keiko

Keiko is a name of Japanese origin, meaning “delighted child,” or “blessed child.” An adorable name with a trendy touch to it.

45. Kiki

Kiki is a name of French origin, meaning “double delight.” This one’s adorable.

46. Laticia

Laticia is a name of Latin origin, meaning “delight.”

47. Leda

Leda is a name of Greek origin, meaning “delight,” and “woman.”

48. Leta

Leta is a name of Latin origin, meaning “delight,” or “glad.” An adorable name.

49. Letitia

Letitia is a name of Latin origin, meaning “delight,” or “gladness.”

50. Luana

Luana is a name of Hawaiian origin, meaning “delight,” or “enjoyment.”

51. Lykke

Lykke is a name of Danish origin, meaning “delight,” or “good fortune.” A very pretty name with a sweet undertone to it.

52. Mabbina

Mabbina is a name of Irish origin, meaning “delight.”

53. Makenna

Makenna is a name of Irish and African origins, meaning “delightful one.” A beautiful name with cultural roots.

54. Marnie

Marnie is a name of Hebrew origin, meaning “rejoice.”

55. Merry

Merry is a name of English origin, meaning “delighted,” or “lighthearted.”

56. Nara

Nara is a name of Greek origin, meaning “delight.” A name with a graceful tone to it.

57. Nayo

Nayo is a name of African origin, meaning “she is our delight.”

58. Rafa

Rafa is a name of Arabic origin, meaning “delight,” or “prosperity.”

59. Rena

Rena is a name of Hebrew origin, meaning “delight,” or “melody.” A very pretty name indeed.

60. Ronia

Ronia is a name of Hebrew origin, meaning “God’s delightful song.”

61. Rowena

Rowena is a name of German origin, meaning “delight,” or “fame.”

62. Seelay

Seelay is a name of French origin, meaning “blessed,” or “delightful.”

63. Trixie

Trixie is a name of Latin origin, meaning “bringer of delight,” or “happy.” Isn’t this one adorable?

64. Winifred

Winifred is a name of Welsh and English origin, meaning, “delight and peace,” or “holy, blessed, and reconciliation.”

65. Yuki

Yuki is a name of Japanese origin, meaning “snow,” “delight,” and “snow flower.” A beautiful name, with such a precious meaning.

Boy Names That Mean Delight

The meaning “delight” also offers a wonderful list of baby boy names, which you will surely find fascinating. Do browse through.

1. Alan

Alan is a name of German origin, meaning “cheerful,” “handsome,” or “precious.” A trendy and modern-sounding name.

2. Ancel

Ancel is a name of Norman, Yiddish. Meaning “fortunate,” “blessed,” or “happy.”

3. Anit

Anit is a name of Indian origin, meaning “delightful.” A cute name with rich cultural roots.

4. Anschel

Anschel is a name of Hebrew origin, meaning “delight.”

5. Arnan

Arnan is a name of Hebrew origin, meaning “delightful,” or “quick.” A charming name, with a graceful tone to it.

6. Asher

Asher is a name of Hebrew origin, meaning “blessed,” or “delight.”

7. Bahjat

Bahjat is a name of Arabic origin, meaning “delight.”

8. Bayo

Bayo is a name of African origin, meaning “the crown meets joy.”

9. Caius

Caius is a name of Latin origin, meaning “rejoice.”

10. Cayo

Cayo is a name of Latin origin, meaning “rejoice.”

11. Denish

Denish is a name of Indian origin, meaning “one who is happy,” or “delightful person.”

12. Fane

Fane is a name of British origin, meaning “delightful,” or “joyous.”

13. Feliciano

Feliciano is a name of Latin origin, meaning “delightful,” or “fortunate.” A sophisticated and classy name.

14. Felix

Felix is a name of Latin origin, meaning “delightful,” or “fortunate.”

15. Festus

Festus is a name of Latin origin, meaning “festive,” or “delight.”

16. Gaius

Gaius is a name of Latin origin, meaning “to rejoice.”

17. Gale

Gale is a name of Hebrew origin, meaning “my father rejoices,” or “gives joy.” This one sounds adorable, does it not?

18. Gil

Gil is a name of Hebrew origin, meaning “bright promise,” or “delight.”

19. Gili

Gili is a name of Hebrew origin, meaning “my joy, or delight.”

20. Ike

Ike is a name of Hebrew origin, meaning “laughter.”

21. Isaac

Isaac is a name of Hebrew origin, meaning “one who laughs,” or “one who rejoices.”

22. Jevin

Jevin is a name of Hebrew origin, meaning “delight,” or brave.”

23. Marnin

Marnin is a name of Hebrew origin, meaning “one who creates joy or delight.”

24. Naim

Naim is a name of Scottish origin, meaning river with alder trees,” or “delight.”

25. Nario

Nario is a name of Italian origin, meaning “delightful.”

26. Onni

Onni is a name of Finnish origin, meaning “delight,” “happiness,” or “luck.”

27. Oron

Oron is a name of Hebrew origin, meaning “delight,” “joy,” or “light.”

28. Revel

Revel is a name of English origin, meaning “rejoice.”

29. Ronli

Ronli is a name of Hebrew origin, meaning “my joy.”

30. Saeed

Saeed is a name of Arabic origin, meaning “delighted,” “happy,” or “patient.”

31. Simcha

Simcha is a name of Hebrew origin, meaning “gladness,” “delight,” or “joy.”

32. Tarub

Tarub is a name of Arabic origin, meaning “lively,” “gleeful,” or “merry.” A handsome name with several wonderful meanings.

33. Tate

Tate is a name of English origin, meaning “delightful,” or “cheerful.”

34. Ullas

Ullas is a name of Indian origin. The name also has several meanings; “joy,” “delight,” “celebration,” “light,” “brilliance,” and “progress.”

35. Vuyo

Vuyo is a name of Xhosa origin, meaning “joy,” or “delight.” This one’s adorable.

36. Winston

Winston is a name of British origin, meaning “joyful or delightful stone.”

37. Zelig

Zelig is a name of Yiddish origin, meaning “blessed,” or “happy.”

38. Zorion

Zorion is a name of Basque origin, meaning “happy,” or “delight.” A handsome name with an interesting origin.

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